We want to put forward 4 amendments to resolutions put forward to the DSA Convention. Can you help us with your signature? http://tinyurl.com/amend-2023
The background: We believe, DSA needs a course correction,
→ to build toward political independence from the Democratic Party
→ to unapologetically defend DSA’s anti-imperialist platform
→ to build toward a campaigning and impactful DSA rooted in the multiracial working class
→ to promote our socialist horizon and advocate for a rupture with capitalism
→ to change course toward a democratic membership organization, not a staff driven NGO
R&R members were involved in putting forward resolutions in that direction. Now, we want to follow up with additional amendments:
- No Endorsement for Joe Biden
- A Fighting Campaign for Reproductive Rights and Trans Liberation
- For an Honest Assessment and a Politicized Approach to Building DSA
- Our Program for Union Democracy
Can you help us by signing those amendments? http://tinyurl.com/amend-2023
The DSA National Convention , the highest-decision making body of DSA, is meeting August 4 to 6, 2023 in Chicago. You can find the Compendium of Resolutions here.
To propose these amendments to the Convention we need at least 300 signatures from DSA members in good standing by June 28.

Reform & Revolution
A Marxist Caucus in DSA. Join us and subscribe to our magazine to support us!