For a Class-Struggle DSA – Sign Our Resolutions to the DSA Convention

Our organization, DSA, needs a course correction. We need to strengthen our internal democracy and  hold elected officials and our socialist leaders accountable. We need to work toward a mass working class party that is independent of the pro-capitalist Democratic Party. We need an organization that stands for a democratic, socialist rupture with capitalism, imperialism and militarism.

The upcoming DSA Convention in August is a huge opportunity to start these necessary changes. Reform & Revolution has worked with the Marxist Unity Group and others to develop the following  resolutions and an amendment to our DSA Constitution. 

[Signature Form & Links to Resolutions]

We need at least 300 signatures from DSA members in good standing by April 14 to bring these proposals to convention. We need your help! 

  1. Can you sign onto our proposals? Please add your name here: https://forms.gle/AhSrMnrGpeCmFWKe6
  2. Can you send this message to at least 3 other DSA members and ask them to sign and spread the word?

Sign on here: https://forms.gle/AhSrMnrGpeCmFWKe6

The resolutions and the constitutional amendment can be found here:

  1. “Towards a Party-Like Electoral Strategy”
  2.   “On the votes of DSA Congressmembers to fund the Israeli military and ban a railway workers strike”
  3. “Strengthening Democracy by Strengthening DSA’s Elected Leadership”
  4. “Strengthening Democracy by Increasing Member Input and Creating a National Delegates Council”
  5. “Socialist Anti-Militarism and the War in Ukraine”

To learn more about Reform & Revolution, and to support our fight for Marxist principles in DSA, apply to join here!

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A Marxist Caucus in DSA. Join us and subscribe to our magazine to support us!