DSA organized a panel at the Socialism Conference 2023: What kind of socialist organization does the current political moment call for? How should DSA confront the threat of the far right and situate itself in relation to the Democratic Party and progressives? Does the current moment call for a Popular Front, a realignment of the Democratic Party, or the formation of an independent party? The debate on these pressing questions with DSA organizers Kristian Hernandez (Socialist Majority), Justin Charles (Communist Caucus), JP Lyninger (Bread & Roses), Ashik Siddique (Groundwork), and Philip Locker (from our Reform & Revolution caucus) was live streamed on Facebook.
The recording starts in the middle of Justin Charles’ first contribution. The source of the video is DSA’s Facebook page. The audio quality of the video recording is not that great, so we tried to technically improve it here:
You can watch the video as posted on DSA’s Facebook page, embedded here:

Reform & Revolution
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