Demand a Vote on a National Campaign for Trans & Reproductive Rights at DSA’s National Convention

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Trans and reproductive rights are under ferocious attack. We cannot rely on the Democratic Party to mount a serious challenge to these right-wing assaults. Unfortunately, there has been a lack of a serious national campaign to defend trans and abortion rights, and we need DSA to step up to help make this happen!

387 DSA members signed the amendment “A Fighting Campaign for Reproductive Rights and Trans Liberation” to the resolution “Fighting the Right by Defending Abortion Rights, Trans People, and Democracy.” This amendment lays out a campaign that could make DSA a real force on these issues, and give chapters the tools they need to fight back against attacks on bodily autonomy.

Despite the importance of this issue, the Resolutions and Platform Committee (RPC) ruled it out of order.

R&R and the authors of the proposal support the call to add the proposal to the Convention agenda as a stand alone resolution.

The RPC and Convention Steering Committee should immediately email the resolution to delegates and include it in the next compendium – with a note explaining it was ruled out of order – so that the Convention delegates have a chance to make an informed choice about our motion to add it to the Convention agenda.

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