The Marxist Unity Group and Reform & Revolution organized a panel discussion on April 8 on DSA’s efforts to build independent working-class politics against right-wing Republicans and Wall Street Democrats with Tefa Galvis from DSA’s NPC, Ben Lenz (Marxist Unity Group), Laura Wadlin (Bread & Roses) and Philip Locker (Reform & Revolution).
You can listen to the audio recording of the discussion here:
You can watch the panel debate here:
Our next debate organized by MUG and R&R will be on Sat, May 20, 2pm PT/5pm ET. Please RSVP here.

Reform & Revolution has worked with the Marxist Unity Group and others to develop some resolutions and an amendment to our DSA Constitution. Please take a look and sign on if you agree: Signature Form & Links to Resolutions

Reform & Revolution
A Marxist Caucus in DSA. Join us and subscribe to our magazine to support us!