Our organization, DSA, needs a course correction. We need to strengthen our internal democracy and hold elected officials and our socialist leaders accountable. We need to work toward a mass working class party that is independent of the pro-capitalist Democratic Party. We need an organization that stands for a democratic, socialist rupture with capitalism, imperialism and militarism.
The upcoming DSA Convention in August is a huge opportunity to start these necessary changes. Reform & Revolution has worked with the Marxist Unity Group and others to develop the following resolutions and an amendment to our DSA Constitution.
[Signature Form & Links to Resolutions]
We need at least 300 signatures from DSA members in good standing by April 14 to bring these proposals to convention. We need your help!
- Can you sign onto our proposals? Please add your name here: https://forms.gle/AhSrMnrGpeCmFWKe6
- Can you send this message to at least 3 other DSA members and ask them to sign and spread the word?
Sign on here: https://forms.gle/AhSrMnrGpeCmFWKe6
The resolutions and the constitutional amendment can be found here:
- “Towards a Party-Like Electoral Strategy”
- “On the votes of DSA Congressmembers to fund the Israeli military and ban a railway workers strike”
- “Strengthening Democracy by Strengthening DSA’s Elected Leadership”
- “Strengthening Democracy by Increasing Member Input and Creating a National Delegates Council”
- “Socialist Anti-Militarism and the War in Ukraine”
To learn more about Reform & Revolution, and to support our fight for Marxist principles in DSA, apply to join here!

Reform & Revolution
A Marxist Caucus in DSA. Join us and subscribe to our magazine to support us!