With your subscription, you do not only get our quarterly magazine, but you are also supporting our work to build a Marxist caucus in DSA. Given the crisis in DSA, this is quite urgent.
We want to collaborate with comrades in the run up to the DSA National Convention 2023 this summer, to offer a real alternative to the course of the current NPC – and at least build a strong, collaborative and visible Marxist wing in DSA.
Can you help us with your support?
In our new magazine, we look at the background of the Ukraine war and the tasks for socialists in the US to take a pro-working class stance, completely independent of Biden and the Democrats approach. We analyze the situation after the Midterm elections and reflect on the stage of labor in the US with an interview with the author of Class Struggle Unionism, Joe Burns.
The main focus is on the developments of new left formations.
In the US, we look at the railway strike vote where three of DSA´s four elected officials in Congress voted in favor of banning a strike. We look at the debates in DSA New York City, where the attempts to implement more accountability of elected officials through the “1-2-3-4” resolution failed, but still outlined some of the steps needed also in other parts of the country and on a national level. We spoke with Robin Wonsley, DSA City Council member in Minneapolis, about her approach to building working-class power.
And we have reports about the challenges for new left formations in France, in Brazil and in Denmark.
An article about the ongoing revolt in Iran finalizes the international outlook of this edition of our magazine.
Get your subscription now and get a copy of our coming magazine in your mailbox soon!
In solidarity,
Stephan Kimmerle
For Reform & Revolution – a Marxist Caucus in DSA
PS: Do you want to get involved in building a Marxist caucus and want to join Reform & Revolution? Send an email to info@ReformAndRevolution.org and we’ll reach out to you!

Reform & Revolution
A Marxist Caucus in DSA. Join us and subscribe to our magazine to support us!