With Penelope Duggan, leading member of the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste, NPA.
A new left alliance, NUPES (New Ecologic and Social Peoples Union) surged in the latest Parliamentary elections, coming second with 23% of the seats. Macron and his party, Ensemble, with their 42% of the seats lost their overall majority – a blow to their ambitions to further unleash neo-liberal reforms. To combat Melenchon, the leader of NUPES, and the Left, Macron has entered an alliance with the Right.
What are the challenges and opportunities for the left? What’s the role of socialists in this context?
This is the recording of an international meeting on July 17, 2022, where we heard first hand from socialist activists in France and discussed the events. The meeting was organized by RISE (Ireland), Lernen im Kampf (Germany) and DSA’s Reform & Revolution caucus (US).