A Strategy to Eradicate COVID-19

Paul Murphy is a member of the Irish Parliament elected in 2014 on the basis of his firm opposition to the government’s attempts to impose water charges. Alongside 27 other activists, he was charged with the False Imprisonment of Joan Burton at a water charges protest in 2014. However, the #JobstownNotGuilty campaign proved victorious — 7 defendants were found not guilty, the attack on the right to protest was defeated, and the trumped up charges against all the other activists were dismissed. Paul is also a member of RISE (Revolutionary Internationalist, Socialist, Environmentalist), which is a network of People Before Profit, Ireland’s eco-socialist party. RISE is also the Irish sister organization in political solidarity with DSA’s Reform & Revolution caucus. Alex Moni-Sauri from Reform & Revolution spoke with him about a socialist strategy for eradicating COVID-19.

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Debate: “What are the Main Tasks for the Left after the Election?”

Revolutionary Socialists Discuss Strategy in Biden Era. Thanks to Left Voice, Philly Socialists and Tempest, who took the initiative to ask a number of caucuses in DSA and groups on the revolutionary socialist left to give their perspective on  the …

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