Interview with DSA Leaders: How Tacoma Won Strong Renter Protections
In Tacoma, Washington, DSA built a large coalition behind a successful ballot initiative campaign to win the strongest protections for renters in the state. Organized as Tacoma For All, the campaign faced a corporate opposition that shattered all spending records for Tacoma elections. Despite this deluge of out-of-state dark money, voters approved Initiative 1 in November, establishing a “Tenant Bill of Rights” for over 100,000 renters.
Ramy Khalil talked with Jennifer Barfield and Ty Moore about how Tacoma for All pulled off this impressive “David vs. Goliath” victory. Ty is the Campaign Manager of Tacoma for All. Jennifer is a member of Tacoma for All’s Steering Committee and the Tacoma Education Association. Jennifer and Ty are also members of Tacoma DSA’s Steering Committee. Ramy served as the Tacoma for All Campaign Co-Manager. All three (Jenn, Ty, Ramy) are members of DSA and its Reform & Revolution caucus.