For Opening the DSA Communications Committee to Membership

Reform & Revolution has drafted A Resolution for an Open DSA Communications Committee which we are sending to the National Political Committee with a request that it be voted on. The resolution was written by Judith Chavarria and Sarah Milner. It would open up the Communications Committee to applications from members while restructuring to make the most of the increased capacity, having appointed members work alongside communications staff under the purview of the NPC. Building an effective communications apparatus with the involvement of members is an important part of effectively connecting to hundreds of thousands of working class people with a democratic socialist message that can inspire them and move them into action. 

DSA’s communications work hasn’t nearly reached its potential. We lack a meaningful social media presence and a unifying message which chapters can rally around. Without this, we will continue to struggle to become the fighting voice for the working class we know we can be. Our Palestine response has not been as strong as it could be, even as DSA chapters continue to contribute to the struggle for liberation. With the shared messaging, demands and graphics around our Trans Rights and Bodily Autonomy campaign, we took small but important steps toward an organized message chapters could rally around. But our organization can do better – we can be a powerful and independent force in the class struggle both in rhetoric and in practice.

The YDSA Communications Committee has shown what a dynamic response to today’s most important battles could look like. Amidst the student encampments for Palestine solidarity, YDSA members were working tirelessly to provide 24/7 updates on what chapters were doing to build the movement. This helped to reinforce the organization’s reputation as a leading force in the student movement right when it was needed most. We believe that the direct involvement and creativity of YDSA members in communications work helped facilitate this dynamic response, and these lessons should be a link to DSA’s messaging.

Growing the socialist movement is no easy task. There are no shortcuts for the difficult but exciting work we do in our chapters – but for us to make the most of the struggle on the ground, we need consistent visibility across the country. A strong social media team which can provide an online voice for DSA, a press team which can help the DSA Co-Chairs represent the organization in press events, a graphics team which provides materials for national and local use, and a team which works to find out what chapters are doing to promote their efforts would each be significant steps to making DSA a powerhouse in its communications.

Now is the time for DSA to stand as a leading force in the struggle for a better world. We hope that this resolution will be considered by the NPC and discussed by DSA members. Our communications are a critical part of DSA, and now more than ever we need to become the organization working class people can rally around with confidence. Read the full resolution below:

A Resolution for an Open DSA Communications Committee

Proposal by Judith Chavarria and Sarah Milner

WHEREAS, strategic communications are one of the most important ways for DSA to share a strong political message, build the organization, energize members, and connect to the broader working class and radicalizing layers.

WHEREAS, for DSA’s mass campaigns to be successful, demands and goals must be effectively communicated through consistent and inspiring social media work, useful materials for chapters to use, and coordinated messaging across the organization.

WHEREAS, the YDSA Communications Committee has played an important and powerful role in building the organization’s reputation as a leader in the Palestine solidarity movement with strong, public-facing messaging and consistent coverage of member organizing.

WHEREAS, the strength of DSA comes from its membership, and empowering members to lead the organization’s work is a critical part of developing their experience and activity, and by extension the experience and activity of the organization as a whole.

WHEREAS, members of DSA do not meaningfully participate in communications work, limiting their ability to contribute to a vital part of the organization while leaving communications staff without support and member input.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Communications Committee shall be opened to applications from the general membership with the purpose of building DSA’s political messaging and outreach.

RESOLVED, the NPC shall be responsible for opening an application period and appointing the members of this committee, prioritizing members with experience doing communications work in chapters or elsewhere. 

RESOLVED, the NPC shall be responsible for directing the political content of the Communications Committee by providing a general messaging framework for key issues as they arise.

RESOLVED, the NPC shall set clear standards for participation from committee members which ensures consistent and effective output, represents the goals and principles of the organization, and builds upon projects which are taken up through campaigns and committee initiatives.

RESOLVED, the Communications Committee shall have an NPC-appointed Chair, responsible for working alongside and consulting committee members, communications staff, and members of the NPC. The Communications Committee Chair will also be responsible for producing quarterly reports alongside the communications staff on work being done by the committee which shall be available to DSA’s general membership via the forums.

RESOLVED, this committee shall have at least four subcommittees responsible for overseeing different aspects of DSA’s communications work. This includes:

  1. A content creation subcommittee which is responsible for drafting posts for online messaging and outreach with the approval of staff or the Communications Committee Chair. This committee shall have teams of people working on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
  2. A graphics subcommittee which is responsible for producing art and materials which can be used for supporting national and chapter level messaging. It shall also help support DSA’s campaigns by providing content for chapter toolkits.
  3. A press subcommittee which is responsible for supporting the DSA Co-Chairs and helping them to develop a national media presence for DSA through interviews and other avenues for mass visibility.
  4. A chapter outreach subcommittee which is responsible for collecting information on the work and campaigns being organized by chapters to support and promote their efforts to a national audience.

RESOLVED, the communications staff shall be responsible for supporting the committee by working alongside the Communications Committee Chair and committee members. Communications staff shall also be empowered to continue developing communications work under the purview of the NPC.

RESOLVED, access to DSA’s social media accounts shall remain secure and accounted for, with access only being given to the communications staff, the Communications Committee Chair, NPC Co-Chairs and committee liaison, and a small team of individual members who are part of the content creation subcommittee.

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