Fighting Bolsonarismo & Building the Socialist Alternative
Recording of an international meeting to review the discussion of the PSOL Congress, with representatives of Resistencia and Ecosocialist Rebellion, as well as RISE member Cian Prendiville and DSA Bread & Roses member Sofia Cutler who attended the congress as international observers.
The Brazillian socialist movement is facing crucial challenges and opportunities. The defeat of Bolsonaro in last year’s Presidential election was a major relief, but the far-right still have control of key cities and institutions, and Bolsonaro is fighting to return to power. The big tent socialist party PSOL held their 8th convention over the weekend of Sept 29 – Oct 1, discussing and debating how to build the social movements, strengthen PSOL and, most controversially, how to relate to the Lula government.
Resistencia are a revolutionary socialist organisation within PSOL and were part of the Semente group within the PTL majority at Congress. Members of theirs are currently leading a strike against privatisation by public transport and water waters in Sao Paulo, and the speaker will tell us more about that struggle and more broadly the struggle to build a fighting trade union movement, as well as the key priority of PSOL in the years ahead: the fight against the far-right threat.
Ecosocialist Rebellion is a Fourth International organisation within PSOL and were part of the Left Block minority at congress. They will speak in particular about the climate crisis in Brazil, the movements for climate justice and what PSOL’s role should be in the fight for ecosocialism.
The meeting was organized by Marxists Organising for Revolutionary Ecosocialism (MORE), an international collective formed by DSA’s Reform & Revolution caucus in the US, RISE in Ireland and Lernen im Kampf in Germany.
Special thanks to Val Ross, Justin Vinson and Luke Brannigan for their contribution to the video production.

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