Audio & Video | NPC Candidates on the State of DSA: What’s the Prognosis?

Recording of an Online Panel Discussion with Alex Pellitteri (B&R), Amy Wilhelm (MUG), C.S. Jackson (LSC), Frances Gill (Groundwork), John Lewis (Red Star), Philip Locker (R&R), Sarah Callahan (SMC), Sat, July 8, 2pm PT/5pm ET

Four weeks before the DSA National Convention we wanted to hear from NPC candidates representing some of  the main trends in DSA about where DSA should be heading over the next two years. What should be our relationship to the Democratic Party? What relationship should DSA have with the elected officials we endorse? How do we build DSA after two years of membership decline and reduced activity? How can we build democracy in our own organization? What´s the role of the NPC in all of this?



This online panel discussion was organized by Bread & Roses, Groundwork, Libertarian Socialist Caucus, Marxist Unity Group, Red Star, Reform & Revolution, and Socialist Majority Caucus

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