DSA Convention: Support an Editorial Board and Renew the Activist Conference

R&R Supports 2 More Resolutions

The 2023 DSA convention will be the most significant in DSA’s history. It poses sharply the question of our electoral, anti-imperialist, and labor strategies. Reform & Revolution has put forward five proposals with Marxist Unity Group for this convention. As a caucus, we have decided to endorse two further resolutions: For a Political, Prolific and Democratic DSA Editorial Board and Renew the National Activist Conference. The former resolution will allow DSA to create a publication adequate to the size and tasks of our organization, the latter will expand democratic deliberation and debate, improve organizational cohesion and allow DSA members to discuss key issues and questions every year. Both will strengthen our organization, empower our members, and address key limitations of the past period of organizing. 

We encourage you to read the resolutions and sign them!