On Monday, April 4, Starbucks fired Phoenix-based barista and union leader, Laila Dalton. While she fought for her union, Starbucks Workers United, she faced unrelenting harassment over two months.
A protest in Phoenix over the firing of the 19 year old followed and more is being planned. Please contact the Phoenix DSA Labor Committee, phoenixdsalabor [at] gmail.com, for updates.
Laila’s termination happened shortly after reinstated CEO Howard Schultz told employees in a town hall that Starbucks was “being assaulted in many ways by the threat of unionization.”
A few days before the sacking, Laila and the chair of Phoenix DSA’s Labor Committee, Alex Stout, spoke on the Irish, Marxist podcast, Rupture Radio about the unionization efforts at Starbucks. Here is the episode:
Rupture Radio is a podcast by RISE, a revolutionary Marxist organization and network in the Irish eco-socialist party People Before Profit.

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