The new issue of our Reform & Revolution magazine is on its way to the printing press: We’ve made eco-socialism the central theme to contribute to a Marxist and working-class strategy on the question of climate justice facing the environmental and labor movements. DSA’s campaign for a Green New Deal can connect the power of the working class with the climate justice movement and build toward a socialist future. Let’s get organized and armed with Marxist ideas → Subscribe to our magazine to get it directly from the printer!
In this issue we look at the historic defeat of US imperialism in Afghanistan, we review DSA’s national convention, we offer our guide to DSA Caucuses, and look at the challenges for the feminist movement in our article “Winning the Right to Choose – Then and Now” to draw lessons from the struggles to defend Roe v. Wade today. Our focus on eco-socialism includes an analysis of Biden’s efforts to deal with the climate crisis, an outline of what eco-socialism means, and many more strategic questions relevant to the discussions in DSA, the wider socialist and the labor movement today.
Subscribe here to get our magazine to your door and support our work to bring Marxist ideas tto he discussions in DSA and the newly developing movements in the US.
Cover Art: Benjamin Watkins