The draft platform is overall politically good, but we are concerned that it does not mention any need for a rupture with capitalism, the power of the capitalist class, and its state. We are a big tent organization – and we appreciate that. Vote “yes” on Thursday to allow a discussion on the floor of the convention about this crucial addition to our new platform, and sign our petition.
[Sign our petition:]
The scale of the ongoing pandemic, the looming devastation of climate change, and the racist and unreformably capitalist police, court, and prison system enforcing submission to this irrational and doomed system, all point to the need for a complete break with capitalism in contrast to the old idea of a gradual, step-by-step transition to socialism.
There were three platform amendments, PA #3, #4, and #5, put forward which raised this issue and proposed additions to the national platform which would answer this question, spelling out what it would mean to seek a rupture with capitalism, a rupture from the existing undemocratic institutions of the capitalist state to establish a new democratic socialist order, and the democracy we need in our working-class organizations. Each amendment gathered the hundreds of signatures necessary to be proposed, but according to the results of the delegate survey for the platform amendments none of them will be debated.
But this is not representative of the will of the convention delegates. Only 248 delegates filled out this secondary and less publicized survey, less than a quarter of all delegates. And if you compare these results with the much broader survey for resolutions and constitutional/bylaw amendments, you can see that although Constitutional/Bylaw Change #7 and Resolutions #25, #26, and #36 all received less support for a debate than these platform amendments, each of these less favored items are all placed on the updated order of business for debate, while the platform amendments are excluded because they were held to a different and stricter standard.
This is especially true for Platform Amendment #3, the most supported amendment of the three that were cut.
The question of whether or not DSA needs to seek a rupture with the existing system is a politically vital one for our organization, and although each of the cut platform amendments build upon this idea, Platform Amendment #3 on its own serves as an introduction to the issue and a general commitment to the goal, and it would serve the DSA convention greatly to debate this one additional item.
We call for a vote in favor of inserting PA#3 into the block of time devoted to discussing platform amendments on Saturday (11 AM – 2 PM Eastern), at the bottom of the list so that it is considered in order after the other three. This motion will be made at the appropriate time on Thursday, before the order of business is finalized.
The DSA platform is a vitally important statement of the principles of our organization. We can and should consider this fourth amendment, the only item at the convention that raises this vital question of a rupture with capitalism. Add your name if you believe this should at least be discussed!
[Sign our petition:]

Reform & Revolution
A Marxist Caucus in DSA. Join us and subscribe to our magazine to support us!